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Save time using the Chappies commute

Views over Chappies
Sunday, 03 January 2021 10:54

Happy New Year! It’s January and, after what we hope was a wonderful summer holiday, it’s time to start thinking about going back to work - the challenges, the new ideas.. the traffic! If you live in the Deep South, like Noordhoek, Sun Valley or Kommetjie, using Chappies as your daily commute into Hout Bay and onto town, will save you time sitting in the traffic on the M3. Add to that the daily dose of beautiful Chappies views that are food for the soul, especially after a long day at the office.

Chapman’s Peak Drive offers users who have signed up for a Frequent User Card a discounted rate at the toll gate, which kicks in after your second trip in a month. If you use Chappies as your daily commute, to and from work, with a Frequent User Card it will cost you only R812,50 per month (working on an average of 20 working days), a saving of R1267,50.

Even if you don’t use Chappies every day, it’s worth signing up for a Frequent User Card if you’re using the road more than twice a month. Here is a breakdown on how the discounts work for a normal vehicle that costs R52 per trip.

  • Trips 1 and 2 are at the usual cost of R52 per trip
  • Trips 3 and 4 will cost R42 per trip
  • Trips 5 and 6 will cost R32 per trip
  • Trips 7 to 10 will cost R22 per trip
  • Trips 11 to 25 will cost R11 per trip
  • Trips after that will cost R20,50 per trip

Motorcycles with frequent user cards are charged only R34 per trip for all journeys. 

Mark Jacobs, General Manager of Chapmans Peak Drive, says, “Chapmans Peak drive offers people commuting from the South into town a good option to beat the daily slog in the traffic. We have many cars signed up that are using the drive every day, to and from work. It’s a relaxing alternative to bumper-to-bumper traffic.”

To sign up for your Frequent User Card, which can also be linked to your credit card, stop in at the Entilini office at the tollgate and fill out the registration form. You can also download the Frequent User Card Registration form from the website, fill it out at home and hand it in at the Chappies office.

Please be sure to wear a mask when you visit our offices. The COVID-19 epidemic is not over yet and we must act responsibly and stay safe. If you see any conspicuous unruly behaviour, please report it to our control room on 021-791 8220.

We look forward to welcoming all our commuters and other road users back in 2021.



Frequent User Card Terms and Conditions

  • Only applies to class 1 and 2 vehicles that have signed up at the Entilini Office at the Chappies tollgate
  • You must maintain a balance of R80 on your Frequent User Card at all times
  • Any credits on your card will always be carried over to the next month
  • Discounts do not apply for commercial use, like tour operators, buses or businesses
  • However, mini-bus taxis who are registered as taxi operators & have pre-registered with Entilini Operations will qualify for discounts